Friday, March 18, 2011

Camp TC (Take Charge) Highlight

My highlight of camp for me was Rock up,because you would have fun and discipline and I learnt that when people work together “every one achieves more”.

My favourite activity at Rock up was Dunking the Dunkee,because it practised your throwing skills and hitting skills,and plus you can get wet,I like getting wet.

Most of all,we were lucky enough to learn that when people work together “every one achieves more’’.


  1. Hey Matt.....

    My MOST FAVOURITE activity was rock up as well because as you said you get wet!!!! I LOVE getting wet as well. And whats up with that name three equals D???? And yap you said it, TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHEIVES MORE!!!!!!!!!!

    From Kayde....

  2. Thank Kayde,

    Its cool that we both like rock,I;m comming to comment on your blog

    Your Pal Matthew

  3. Hey Mat

    I know you enjoy getting wet. I think that is why you like rock up so much

    From Your cousin


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